Law, justice, and service

这是在维护美国宪法, your state constitution, 以及当地的惩教条例, 强制执行或法律手段对您很重要, we have a solution. 考虑攻读司法与公共政策理学学士学位(JPP). JPP的学位将为你提供法庭方面的基础知识, corrections, juvenile justice theory, law enforcement, paralegal, procedural and substantive criminal law, and security. Careers include attorney, court administration, intelligence operations, local and federal law enforcement, and warden.

Credits 120
Faith Based


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Program Overview

这是在维护美国宪法, your state constitution, 以及当地的惩教条例, enforcement, or legal means is important to you, 康科迪亚大学的司法和公共政策理学学士学位(JPP)可能是你通往保护个人和社会权利的有益职业的道路.


What to Expect

康科迪亚大学的刑事司法专业将帮助你理解行政法是如何, along with procedural, 实体刑法适用于实施逮捕、搜查和扣押, evidence collection, and courtroom procedures. 你将学习与现场和监护面谈有关的最佳实践, criminal investigations, and procedures involving juveniles. 如果你想获得更高的学位, 刑事司法研究方法和犯罪心理学的入门课程将帮助你理解社会学, psychological, bio-physiological, and free-will theories, 同时学习如何将理论应用于美国民事和刑事法院系统的实践, correctional system, and justice system.

所有的教师都有各自领域的证书和/或丰富的经验. 这有助于在司法和公共政策体系中融合个人和职业道德价值观.

  • Ann Arbor

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