Earn a master's in education and a Michigan teacher certificate for the elementary grades in an online program

Concordia's 教师认证 Program is the perfect fit for those who currently hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject area but wish to move into the world of education. Our collaborative program allows you to earn both a master’s degree and 教师认证 online through convenient eight-week, 自学课程.


All courses offered 100% online and at your own pace.

每学分成本 $715


学分 30

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我们的团队随时准备为您提供更多的项目细节, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


Informational webinar is now available!

Click here to view the MSCI with 教师认证 Webinar.

对职业生涯的转变感兴趣? Concordia's teacher certification program allows you to earn your 教师认证 in elementary education. Our flexible post-baccalaureate program makes it so you can continue working while completing your coursework, 灵活地完成学生教学在当地的一所学校. Combining your teaching certification with a master's in curriculum instruction (MSCI) can set you apart in the field, with an added bonus of being eligible for financial aid!

Teacher addresses student drawings pinned on the wall



  • PreK -三年级(低年级)
  • 3 - 6年级(上)

You may also choose to earn certification in both grade bands by taking an additional Methods and Literacy course (6 additional credits).

Endorsements in English as a Second Language (ESL) and 特殊教育 Learning Disabilities (LD) are also available to be added on to your Elementary certification. 这两个背书都是K-12. 特殊教育学位需要30个额外的课程学分. ESL endorsement 不 require addiitonal credits.


Candidates complete a 30-credit education sequence which allows them to teach at the elementary level while earning a Master’s of Science in 课程 and 指令. Courses are offered entirely online and credit can be given for previously completed education courses at the graduate level. 您将有能力在私立和公共部门教授pk - 3年级或3-6年级.

Courtney Slucter, MSCI学生

You’ll also learn how to design and use teaching methods in your content area that will make a meaningful impact in the classroom. Our Teaching Certificate Program takes a faith-based approach, 这意味着你将以一种有意义的方式把正规赌博十大网站和学习结合在一起. You will not only graduate equipped to plan lessons, 但你也将学习如何建立关系来管理课堂, use technology and best practices to engage in effective teaching, and be an educator dedicated to service in the classroom, 教堂, 和社区.

What our current students have to say

  • I have grown both personally and professionally in this program because I have learned to make my decisions from a place of love. 我试图提供一个坚定而充满爱的环境,让学生感到安全,可以茁壮成长. 之前, I would have focused more on the academic growth of the students, 但是这个项目教会了我建立人际关系的重要性. Now, my focus is more on loving the students, 提供支持,创造一个环境,让他们能够茁壮成长,展翅高飞. I’m honored to get to encourage students each and every day!

    雷切尔·克里格 / MSCI with Secondary 教师认证
  • I have grown personally in this program by gaining new perspectives on life and education from my classmates. Some of the things that my classmates have posted/created have challenged me to evaluate my teaching philosophy and outlook on life. 在整个项目中, 我获得了新的视角,并对不同的教学风格有了更大的欣赏. 没有这个程序, I would not have been exposed to all of these new thoughts and ideas that have made me a better educator and a better person.

    科尔顿Ritsema / MSCI with Secondary 教师认证
  • The Masters of Science in 课程 and 指令 program at Concordia has been a perfect fit for me. First and foremost, it is Christ centered. It has fit perfectly into my life as a beginning teacher helping to support me on my way to earning a teaching degree. 我在自己的课堂上运用了很多我学到的东西,经常是在第二天! 我很感激上帝为我打开了一扇门,让我在康考迪亚大学继续我的教育学位.

    金伯利·米勒 / MSCI with Secondary 教师认证
  • What makes this program unique for me is that the assignments aren't just read this and answer these questions. Then, study the materials and take an exam. 在这些课上, we are shown tools and then we have to expand our thinking into what those tools look like when applied to a classroom setting. 我不觉得在这些课上你可以“假装直到你成功”. You cannot simply scan the reading materials. 我们真的需要有一个了解,否则,我们无法完成作业. Also, by having to put our knowledge into play, 这些教训一直伴随着我, 而, 为了考试而临时抱佛脚, 不.

    特蕾西·帕特森 / MSCI with Elementary 教师认证
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